Check out this awesome CSS-driven resume of Robby Leonardi here. Really well done.
Paul Lee Design

A ton of spectacular work coming out of Los Angeles from Paul Lee Design

A simple tool that helps web designers find variations of any color.
Use it here
Dan Cassaro

The studio of Dan Cassaro (a.k.a. youngjerks) is a small but scrappy design practice in Brooklyn, NY.
They focus on creating amazing type, lettering and logos like these
Every Last Drop

Really well done parallax scrolling site that tells a great story in a really engaging way.
Scroll on down here and learn something important.

Say Hello to Hikimori, located in the center of Paris.
Stunning work, a great soundtrack, and their use of video embeds on every page is quite impressive.
View their studio and their work here

Generate interactive art. Amazingly beautiful.
Play and create here

Well executed site to allow you to select / preview / and manipulate SVG-based background patterns.
View it and bookmark it here
Bootstrap 3

Release Candidate 1 is out and it is mobile-first. Looks great!
Hurry up, download it here and make your app look like everyone else’s.
UI Animations

A nice collection of UI Animations in stunning animated .GIF format so you can see the little details.
View all the action here