visualizes the first Prelude from Bach’s Cello Suites in JS/HTML5 by @alexanderchen
Every Last Drop

Really well done parallax scrolling site that tells a great story in a really engaging way.
Scroll on down here and learn something important.

With the recent arrival of Black, all the adicolor videos are now available for your viewing pleasure. My personal favorite is Yellow, followed closley by White (Jenna Jameson), but they are all pretty strange and good in their own weird way. See them all and choose for yourself.
Vegas Baby

I am switching up things here at the good old DNFTF. I am flipping the script with some good old commentary. Read, comment, and get on with your devious life.
Vegas. What happens here, stays here.
That’s an understatement and a down-right perfect slogan.
A bachelor party for one of my longtime closest friends (since elementry school) brought 12 of us to Sin City. We stayed at TI (the now rebranded and hipper version of Treasure Island) which is the home of Cirque Du Soleil’s Mystere, the Tangerine ultralounge and a kickass pool.
Our mornings were spent recovering from hang-overs and lounging poolside where we had a killer watress who treated us right by serving us a constant stream of tasty beverages. The best was when she brought us our own mini keg of Heineken. We killed a few of those..
Our days were spent recovering from the mornings as we sat at the blackjack and roulette tables.
Also, Lots of cool events happened while we were out there.
Mike M flipped out, Barbarbo was full turbo(I lost $50), and Oscar pounded. All huge events in Vegas land.
At night, while recovering from the afternoons, we ate at some killer restaurants like Tao. That place was really cool and some great food. The atmosphere was unique as there was a large buddha and painted to look like as if it was an ancient temple hidden an an abandoned warehouse. It’s located in the Venetican which is absolutely beautiful. The food was excellent (bill came to $1,500) and we did Saki bombs..Saki dropped into a beer and chugged quickly. That will talk to you.
We planned to go to the attached Tao club. Oh, I forgot to mention. Walking into Tao, you pass between 2 lines of 8 bathtubs filled with flowers and hot chicks bathing themselves. They have pasties and thongs on so don’t get too excited. However, it’s a killer touch for a bar.
Anyway, we were going to get European bottle service (where you sit in a private skybox and pay $400 a bottle and have your own private host that you can use to fetch people to join you and act like this guy) but I think they had more important people to rip off than us. After paying a lot at dinner, they really treated us like crap. Oh well..little did they know I write this really popular blog.
The rest stays in Vegas, but all I can say is the place is amazing. The Wynn hotel is one of the coolest places ever. It backs on one side to a sick golf course (remember Vegas is on a desert..imagine the cost of making that green?) and on the other..there is a forest, featuring a huge waterfall wall in which they project lights and stuff on. Those people in the photo are’s so insane. The hotel also features a Ferrari / Maserati dealership. No kidding. A FERRARI DEALERSHIP IN THE HOTEL. Sorry to yell, but that is ridiculous. What’s worse..they sell 25 per month. These are 1.7 million dollar vehicles people! That just shows the scale of Vegas.
I have rambled on long enough, however I leave you with 2 random words..Spearmint and Rhino. Do with them what you please.
So I ask..have you been the Vegas and if so, where do you favor?

Anders Schroder updates DFORM1 for the reboot. He’s got a nice 1 pager with some real slick motion work, and he’s got a new reel up. Go peep it.

Christopher James Hewitt (aka Dstrukt) has just updated his site. The London based Art Director has a plethora of tasty reels for your viewing pleasure. Go on, have a look.
Kurt Stallaert Photography

Check out the works of Belgian photographer Kurt Stallaert. In particular, have a gander at the ad slides for some fantastic shots and concepts.
Superbowl Ads
View all the ads here. Overall, Budlight took it with the stadium cards spot.