72 and Sunny

72 and Sunny


These guys have offices in California and Amsterdam. Not too shabby. And the work’s pretty good too. See for yourself.




Seems to be a small photo-retouching shop from Brazil. The site needs some work, but bear with it and you’ll be rewarded with some great visuals and photoshopping. Check it out.




Have a look at Prague based dgú. I dig the site nav and the work a bunch.

Universal Everything

Universal Everything


Another shop founded by an ex-tDR member; Matt Pyke presents Universal Everything. Epileptics beware!

UPDATE: Check out this interview with Matt about how he works over at the Apple site.

ANOTHER UPDATE: To rephrase the previous, in no way did I mean to imply that the previously mentioned video was about Matt Pyke working at the Apple website, rather; I meant that a video about Matt Pyke, and how he works, was available to view at the Apple website.

Candy Mag

Candy Mag


Issue five-and-a-half of Candy Magazine (The Obsesive Impulsive Issue Part Two) is out now. Stop by their site to subscribe if you haven’t done so already. It’s by far my favorite design-related e-zine, always full of relevant people and suject matter.

K2 Design

K2 Design


K2 Design is based out of Athens, Greece. Unfortunately, I am a simple, ignorant American who cannot speak or read a word of Greek (except gyros and souvlaki), but there’s a lot of lovely packaging to see here and the nav is simple enough to figure out. From what I gather this firm even developed the iconography for the past Summer Olympics. Check it.

La Bonne Merveille

La Bonne Merveille


It’s interesting to note when looking at work from different parts of the globe, you begin to see visual styles almost like languages with different dialects, spread out across geographical areas. So today’s lesson will be in French. Enjoy the works of La Bonne Merveille.

Lichtwitz-Büro für visuelle Kommunkation

Lichtwitz-Büro für visuelle Kommunkation


From Vienna, Lichtwitz is our first Austrian entry. I’m sure the site nav would not be as frustrating if I was a native speaker. Go fumble around for yourself and enjoy the sites.

Jeff Docherty

Jeff Docherty


Don’t know much about him except that something happened involving him and New York in April. Check out some very nice editorial.




You all should know build aka Michael C. Place. He was a former member of shit-hot-Sheffield-based The Designers Republic back in the heyday. I think playing WipeOut on the first Playstation I got it for Christmas convinced me to get into the field of graphic design. I had never seen anything like tDR was doing before.

Sorry for the trip down memory lane, I digress… anyway, check out the new look book he’s done for photographer Timothy Saccenti (he did the site too). Check out his archive of works too.