“Always start from scratch. Everything is possible until the opposite has been proven. There must be a good reason for every single decision made.”
Copenhagen by way of England. Louise Campbell.
“Always start from scratch. Everything is possible until the opposite has been proven. There must be a good reason for every single decision made.”
Copenhagen by way of England. Louise Campbell.
Still a student, nonetheless, Matt’s wit shines through the fantastic work on display here.
Eduardo at Trozo and Los Angeles send us some work to see. Great artwork as well. Check it out.
Want to see your work here? If you’ve got the goods, feel free to email any submissions to me, number2, at flushinc.com.
From the Netherlands comes Adriaan with some work that has got me excited. Lots of good stuff to see here.
Combining the talents of Carlos Battilana, Martin Jalfen, and Julian Montesano, the Amautalab website is the perfect playground for the group to display their tongue-in-cheek aesthetic sensibilities which span from print, to video, and to the internets.
Join Timo Gaessner, head of Berlin-based outfit 123buero, for an afternoon filled with nice works of all shapes and sizes.
By way of New Zealand, Gus and Kris of the Letterheads show us their penchant for clean typography and strong, simple layouts. Be sure to check out Kris’s newest typeface, Feijoa, over at Village.
Profiled last year in I.D. magazine, this collective of young Norwegian designers and illustrators has finally launched a proper site showcasing some solid work. Check them out.
Joel brings 18 years of experience as a web & mobile Creative Director, a user experience designer, and a front-end developer.
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