Yum Yum

Yum Yum

Yum Yum is a studio based in London that loves making things, character design, and tell stories through animation, illustration and toys.

Awesome work found here

Jeffrey Martin

Jeffrey Martin

It took photographer Jeffrey Martin two days of shooting and four months of editing to create this 600,000 pixel wide interactive panorama.

View the glorious detail here



Some of the cleverest illustrations / t-shirts I have seen in a while.
Enjoy and buy them here

Andrée Wallin

Andrée Wallin

Meet Andrée Wallin, he’s 30 years old, lives and works in Sweden and creates totally amazing work that totally blows my mind.

Yoann Lemoine

Yoann Lemoine

Stunning work from this young, award-winning film director.

View it here

Mladen Penev

Mladen Penev

Great working coming out of Austria from Mladen Penev.

View the strange awesomeness here.

Every Last Drop

Every Last Drop

Really well done parallax scrolling site that tells a great story in a really engaging way.

Scroll on down here and learn something important.



An inspirational blog showcasing a ton of great stuff.

Go get lost in a field of great work here

I particularly love the clever style of these, this, and these zoo portraits.



Say Hello to Hikimori, located in the center of Paris.

Stunning work, a great soundtrack, and their use of video embeds on every page is quite impressive.

View their studio and their work here



Generate interactive art. Amazingly beautiful.

Play and create here